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  • 🔓 Unlocking your potential: stepping out of your comfort zone.

🔓 Unlocking your potential: stepping out of your comfort zone.

It's not scary, it's just unfamiliar.

It’s hard to start new things. It feels scary and gives us all sorts of anxiety.

But the truth is, it’s just unfamiliar. Anything outside of your comfort zone feels bad because you’re not used to it, your brain is convinced that it is unsafe.

The radius of our comfort zones (I like to think of them as circles) depends on our predisposed beliefs, the people we hang out with, our life experiences…

To be capable of shattering the tallest and widest of walls, yet be stuck in an asylum thinking you’re mentally weak and physically deceased. To think your touch is lethal when it is power.

But in listening to outside noise, you shut down the beatings of your heart, the whispers of your soul, the reprimands of your mind.
And in blocking the noise, you create a time and space for your inner self, in its purest and highest form, to speak.
It tells you you’re capable of more, it tells you these walls can be broken with a single touch, it tells you that these walls are not even real, you just have to take a step, and you’ll see for yourself.

I find that my comfort zone expands every time I try something new, something scary.

Why expand your comfort zone?
Because that’s how you grow.

Inside these walls, ghosts of dreams wander with no reprieve. There is no body to possess, no ground to lay in, no heaven to descend to.

Nothing except these walls, so tall and standing for eons.

Little does anyone know that beyond those walls, lies a vast horizon for the dreams to roam free.
Ghosts know no other place except where they were killed, what lies beyond the walls scares even the scariest of them. But all it takes is to know that beyond the stone lies their rebirth. If only they’d realize what they’re capable of, if only they’d get over their fear of the unknown.

From being surrounded by walls to seeing the horizon beyond.

💖 Let’s connect!

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📝 Author’s Note:

Hi friend! I’d love to hear what you think of my first ever email newsletter 😆 I do get credit for staying true to what I preach, right? I started something new and I’m really excited for it! I’ve always loved to write and after my failed attempt at a blog (story time for another time) I think I’ve finally found the right path. And I’m really happy to be here.

Have a wonderful week!


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