In A World Made By Men For Men.

The beauty in difference.

I hope you’re proud and happy of being a woman. I hope you look at your femininity as a gift and a blessing.

I hope this world didn’t make you feel any less than. I hope this world didn’t convince you that you need to let go of your divine feminine to thrive and survive, that you’re weak, incomplete, or that you need to be anything or anyone other than yourself. I hope you don’t think that you need to do anything other than embrace your infinite power and align with your beautiful energy.

There is power in words and not just in guns, there is power in flowing and not just in swimming, there is power in femininity and not just in masculinity.

You can’t compare roses to the sun, wind to water, night to the day.

I’m just a woman in a world made by men for men.

You were born a woman in a world made by men for men, a world where men were never in power, only in tyranny.

A world where the light of your beauty is dimmed because it’s ‘different’. But remember, the world is not a novice in hating, condemning, and criticizing every difference. 

Fighting for sameness is disowning difference, almost believing that diversity is bad. The world is saying women should become men, that we should work just as hard or more, that we should let go of what makes us women, shed it like a skin when really it’s not as easy as that, it’s engraved in our soul, entwined within our DNA, to kill it is to kill a part of you.

To want to be a man solely to fit in is to be unaware of your own power, beauty and strength. It’s to think there’s only one color in nature, only one way in life, only one road leading to the destination.

Fire may seem like the strongest element, but is fire capable of destroying an entire city like water is? Water that flows so gently, moves slightly to the wind, or stays still, has so much power to wield.

You can’t compare a lily to a daisy.

I hope you see every other woman as a soul sister in a world where you are both strangers. Because this is a world that wants you to believe that competition is the solution, that you always have to hustle to always be the best, instead of cooperating, loving, and being in a community of loving women.

A sweet alliance in which you lift each other up and nurture your femininity, where you can just be yourself and embrace it. Connect with other women as your friends and as your family.

Skinny or fat, beautiful or ugly, modest or immodest, nice or assertive, mother or career-woman… If there’s no way to win; the game is rigged.

In a world where it seems like you just can’t win, play by your own rules. Go on your own side quests, make friends and go on your own adventures.

A body one with nature.

I hope you can accept and love your body, the way it flows like water with the phases of the moon. I hope you see your need for rest as a ritual and not a burden. I hope you see your body as a temple solely for the devoted, a sacred creator of life.

I hope you learn to love yourself in all your phases, that you learn to appreciate your changes and fluctuations instead of demanding stability and rigidity from yourself.

Just like nature, the seasons come and go, the flowers wither and bloom, the moon shines and disappears. 

Nothing in nature is constant, yet it is beautiful. Just like you are.

💖 Let’s connect!

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📝 Author’s Note

I’ve always been aligned with my feminine energy but never fully, and definitely not when it comes to productivity. Too hard working, trying too much all the time… And I can very confidently say that my life has gotten better by letting go of this ‘man’s self improvement’ way of living. I don’t consume any of that content at all and don’t live by it.

And the best part? I still get things done, all while embracing the real beauty within, even if it contradicts with this world’s rules of 9-5 jobs and school that don’t align with the monthly cycle. Expected to put the same amount of hard work daily.
Also, the heavy emphasis on a specific idea of success that includes fame and money caused by sleepless nights and suffering.
And the unrealistic expectations that reaffirm that you’ll never be enough.

There isn’t a way to fully detach from this, but we can certainly try.


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